Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Which rubbish for what bin?

So about a week ago my class and I had to do this activity about recycling paper and scrap bins. so pretty much it's kinda self-explanity so im not gonna talk anymore 😀

More maths

WALT use Coordinates and fractions
Today we had another math session. We did Coordinates and fractions and number chains i made a google slide to present it here is the link 
Work maths blog preset
and here is the slideshow

Sunday, 8 September 2019


I have decided i am going to make this post to store all of my scratch posts ie made on this blog because when you turn on the blog it lags SOOOOO much
so here are the links: Cat clicker

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Parking meter

⏬⏬⏬MATHS ⏬⏬⏬
Today i had maths and WWLT (we were learning to) add transfer money to time and find out the question which was at what time did the parking meter expire?
⟱⟱⟱Here is how i solved it⟱⟱⟱
overall it was easy in my opinion krystan thought it was too im in the otago maths extention so i normally do harder maths so yeah btw my group is Corann Krystan and I

Sunday, 1 September 2019


this is my animation i made at home it is not complete yet!!

i think i needed to make some parts longer

btw i did ask corann first i did't copy his OKAY

Speech 2019

This is my speech from this year and you guessed i didnt even make it to the semi's. Jemma, Elisha, Mya.c and Angel  did so yeah so without adiou lets see how i did '_'